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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Philippine Radio, Politics, Economy and Culture

It is very usual to talk about the history and present issues  facing the media sector or Radio in particular. But enthusiasts forgets the most important matter, its impacts in economy, culture and politics.

Radio and the Economic Tycoons

You cannot simply deny that media companies are just controlled by few economic elites of the society. ABS-CBN and GMA, such as the two major broadcasting companies controlling the media industry in our country.

To consider the ruling élite and the broad Filipino people have an irreconcilable interest, it is very alarming that the upper class has the over all control of the major ideological apparatuses like radio, causing the lower class to have minimal chances of being heard. Cases such as the strike of the contractual ABS CBN workers that they wouldn't televised if not because of the competition between GMA,ABS CBN and TV 5 which is still economically motivated.

Political impact of the Mainstream media
Mainstream media is one of the major ideological 'state' apparatuses. We have to be reminded that politicians and the owners of the biggest media networks in this country came from the same social class, having the same economic interest.

Through the help of the mainstream media,it is easier for the upper class to control the government by portraying as good Samaritans who are willing to uplift our lives from poverty. This scenario is very prominent during election period. The people are expecting a feast of democracy while the media, which is already paid by politicians, are bombarding them with the illusion of change in hands of the few.

Glimpse to the cultural side
Looking on the other side of the propaganda, it is not the people who dictate the media on what to show, it is the media who dictates the people what to think.

The media and the upper class has all the machinery to dictate what brand of shampoo are going to use, which politician are going to vote or even the best brand of condom is applicable depending upon the size of your genitalia.

The age of globalization and high-technology gave the upper class the extraordinary power to consolidate their political and economic influence while making the people believe that everything is normal and there's nothing to be angry about.

An evidence of cultural manipulation is the propaganda of having a lighter skin is equal to being beautiful,making the Philippines as one of the hottest market of whitening products, which is also advertised by broadcasting companies, the obvious relation between media, economy and culture.

What is to be done?

One way to promote Nationalist, Scientific and Mass-Oriented culture is through the establishment of an alternative media that will truly serve the interest of the people. A media that is free from corporate greed and political dictatorship.

The dominance of the alternative media is only possible if we will change the sociopolitical structure of this country.

It is essential to establish a nationalist, scientific and mass oriented media for the national industrialization and preservation of the Filipino culture. There is no doubt that the wide-range of this technology can make or break a nation, and it is up to us, on how to maximize it for our betterment.