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Saturday, April 11, 2015

Theory essay in response to Sabine Braun’s Multimedia communication technologies and their impact on interpreting

Brief Background

            Due to fast development of products with high technological value, mankind is now permitted to have real time interaction without requiring physical or actual co-existence. Technology slowly disconnected people while allowing them to talk about personal affairs, business and schooling in the virtual world.

On interpretation

            The article of Sabine Braun focused on the impact of Multimedia communication technologies on interpreting with the consideration to communication barriers such as differences in culture, age, comprehension capability and etc. Braun forgot to mention anything about gatekeeping which lies in the mediums of communication (TV, Internet, Radio, Phone, and Newspaper) which are dominantly controlled by the ruling class/ usual source of information. The interpreter will always be biased to whom he/she is interpreting for.

What should be the arguments?

1.      Technological development especially in the field of communication is slowly detaching people from real life, emotional and physical connection from each other. These could be noticed on how people are declaring relationship only on virtual world such as Facebook, twitter and etc.

Also, in 1950s, candidates for a certain position in government have no choice but to see his constituents face to face to discuss his/her platforms, giving the voters a chance to scrutinize the personality of the candidate. Today, people are just bombarded with advertisements courtesy of biggest media companies in the country.
2.      The advantage of multimedia communication technology is that the people are given the opportunity to question the anti-people policies imposed by the government. Today, it is visible that the Internet already became a mechanism for political and economic discussions.

3.      Interpreter also serves as a gatekeeping machinery. The state with its ideological apparatuses such as the church and media has the ability to manage or limit information to be disseminated to people, hoping to make them believe in the illusion of change and development.

4.      Braun is right on the issue of communication barriers, but we have to focus on gatekeeping concern.  

We have to understand that the technological developments particularly on Multimedia communication are intended to maximize the cyber world/internet, Television, Radio and other mediums as tools for propaganda dissemination

What is to be done?
            Maximize the social media, new technologies to expose and oppose the propaganda of the state while giving the alternative/ solution to societal problems. Braun’s researches are helpful only during the socialist construction in the Philippines, it could be used to propagate the new, and better society for the people.

Photography, History and the Propaganda Movement

“The History of the Filipino people is the history of how peasants, workers and broad masses struggle against the oppression of the ruling class”

American occupancy and the Propaganda War
With mankind’s never ending search for knowledge, it is inevitable to have new technological discoveries that will make it easier to live in this planet…  Supposedly. 

At the latter part of industrial revolution, mankind was able to develop machines not just for faster production, but for further development of advertising industry, hoping to convert surplus products into profit.  Hence, the first ever camera is invented and developed not just to capture moments but to gain higher income revenue.

On the other side, photography/ camera is also maximized as a tool in propaganda war between the ruling elite and broad masses, two opposing sides with irreconcilable interests.  During the American colonization in the Philippines, US government managed to circulate pictures of how the Americans are helping Filipinos in governance and Economy. On the other hand, pictures of massacred Muslims and other native Filipinos are distributed with the help of the underground press resisting against imperialist economic, political and cultural plunder in the country.

US government granted the so called Philippine independence knowing that they already have the control in major ideological, political and economic institutions in the country. A puppet republic was established giving the local bureaucrats the highest standard of living while leaving the majority of the population as window shoppers.

Under the Puppet Republic

Pictures of thousands of expensive jewelries and pairs of shoes, allegedly owed by former Imelda Marcos created public opinion against the conjugal dictators. But the Marcoses are wise, they propagated that the Philippines is drastically improving its economy with the establishment of extravagant structures, giving them another source of corruption and putting the country on the top of the list of borrowers from international financial institutions.

Marcos loyalists are still disseminating pictures of roads and different buildings erected under the Marcos regime trying to convince Filipinos that the country is far better before. In essence, worsening crisis of this colonial and feudal system is rooted to problems that exist even before the Marcos dictatorship, supported by the local bureaucrats all for the sake of their own economic interests.

Pictures could speak based on the angle and frame directed by photographer, a tangible memory of what actually happened.  Before the existence of internet, yes it could communicate history, but only if the publishers will permit following the rules directed by their investors, the ruling class or economic tycoons.
Thanks to social media the people can now manage to counter-attack the anti-people policies of the government ruled by the economic giants. In 2013, photos of Jeane Napoles, daughter of Janet Napoles (alleged mastermind of the infamous pork barrel scam) having lavish lifestyle in US circulated in social media making the people more eager to campaign against the pork barrel system.

In search of the possible connections of Napoles to legislative branch of our government, photos of her together with top ranking officials in our country became viral in Facebook (popular social networking site). Jeane and Janet’s photographs together with Senate President Franklin Drilon and Pres. Aquino immediately catch public attention.

Leveling up the propaganda war in cyberspace, photography is no longer a tool to communicate history. Memes became popular as the new generation becomes lesser interested in reading books and long essays as a result of technology-dependent educational system.

The ruling elite instantly recognize the power of social media as it reveals the rotting system of governance and economy. Various mechanisms are created to limit the audience of progressive people in propagating memes and any other photos exposing politically related issues in the archipelago.

Today, only sponsored posts/statuses on Facebook could reach millions of viewers, these sponsor-ships have a corresponding economic value that only the ruling elite could afford. Interest pages that only entertain people are just some of the few entities that could surpass the policy.

What is to be done?

Due to anarchy in production of materials with high technological value such as smartphones and camera, it is now easier to capture not just memories, but the social realities that could emancipate people from ignorance.

The broad Filipino people, particularly the progressive middle-class and intellectuals who have the capacity to maximize these inventions should expose and oppose the anti-people policies imposed by the state.

It is those who have the courage to exposed relevant issues that write history. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Philippine Radio, Politics, Economy and Culture

It is very usual to talk about the history and present issues  facing the media sector or Radio in particular. But enthusiasts forgets the most important matter, its impacts in economy, culture and politics.

Radio and the Economic Tycoons

You cannot simply deny that media companies are just controlled by few economic elites of the society. ABS-CBN and GMA, such as the two major broadcasting companies controlling the media industry in our country.

To consider the ruling élite and the broad Filipino people have an irreconcilable interest, it is very alarming that the upper class has the over all control of the major ideological apparatuses like radio, causing the lower class to have minimal chances of being heard. Cases such as the strike of the contractual ABS CBN workers that they wouldn't televised if not because of the competition between GMA,ABS CBN and TV 5 which is still economically motivated.

Political impact of the Mainstream media
Mainstream media is one of the major ideological 'state' apparatuses. We have to be reminded that politicians and the owners of the biggest media networks in this country came from the same social class, having the same economic interest.

Through the help of the mainstream media,it is easier for the upper class to control the government by portraying as good Samaritans who are willing to uplift our lives from poverty. This scenario is very prominent during election period. The people are expecting a feast of democracy while the media, which is already paid by politicians, are bombarding them with the illusion of change in hands of the few.

Glimpse to the cultural side
Looking on the other side of the propaganda, it is not the people who dictate the media on what to show, it is the media who dictates the people what to think.

The media and the upper class has all the machinery to dictate what brand of shampoo are going to use, which politician are going to vote or even the best brand of condom is applicable depending upon the size of your genitalia.

The age of globalization and high-technology gave the upper class the extraordinary power to consolidate their political and economic influence while making the people believe that everything is normal and there's nothing to be angry about.

An evidence of cultural manipulation is the propaganda of having a lighter skin is equal to being beautiful,making the Philippines as one of the hottest market of whitening products, which is also advertised by broadcasting companies, the obvious relation between media, economy and culture.

What is to be done?

One way to promote Nationalist, Scientific and Mass-Oriented culture is through the establishment of an alternative media that will truly serve the interest of the people. A media that is free from corporate greed and political dictatorship.

The dominance of the alternative media is only possible if we will change the sociopolitical structure of this country.

It is essential to establish a nationalist, scientific and mass oriented media for the national industrialization and preservation of the Filipino culture. There is no doubt that the wide-range of this technology can make or break a nation, and it is up to us, on how to maximize it for our betterment.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

LGBT community, stand up and join the fight against corruption and social injustice!

Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders or LGBT community is indeed one of the most deprived sectors in our society. According to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)  Coalition Report on the situations of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) persons in the Philippines for the 13th Session of the UN Universal Periodic review  for the Philippines . The economic status of LGBT persons are continually deprived or challenged because they cannot find and secure employment. LGBT persons are not assessed by companies based on skills, work experience and competence but instead are judged because of their sexual orientation and gender identity.

LGBT are also victims of political repression. Disqualification cases were filed against Partylist representing LGBT communities on the grounds of immorality, citing verses from bible and Koran. A clear violation of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights , Article 25, saying that  “Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions: (a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; (b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors; (c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.

 With all the economic, political and cultural discrimination under this patriarchal society where ‘macho’ culture reigns, there is no doubt that LGBT sector, like other sectors is highly motivated to join progressive groups and be part of the struggle for national democracy.
Today, the country is facing a tough fight against corruption perpetrated by politicians from dominant political parties like UNA and Liberal having selfish political and economic interests.  LGBT community could mobilize hundreds of thousands of people against bureaucrat capitalism, where the government is just maximized by the ruling elite to maintain economic superiority.               
Also, LGBT community should take part in pushing and supporting the people’s initiative proposed by former chief justice Renato Puno to abolish discretionary funds (PDAF, DAP) under the legislative and executive branch of government.
The people’s initiative is a strong statement of people’s distrust, including the LGBTs, in the Aquino administration. Their only hope is to wage a people power, spark the mass movement and strengthen their unity against the ruling system.
This is a perfect time for all LGBTs to prove their worth and be part of change. Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders must win the heart of the people through joining the people’s struggle for land, work, life, equality and transparency in government.
Only in our collective action we can achieve our demand for gender emancipation!
We all have a responsibility to impart our time, talent and skills in building a peaceful, corrupt-free and better society, whether you’re straight or not.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Intensify the call to abolish pork, support the people’s initiative!

The proposal of former Chief Justice Renato Puno for a people’s initiative to abolish both the PDAF and Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP), as well as investigate self-serving politicians, is a clear statement that the people are no longer relying on the promises of this administration to abolish the pork barrel system.

Progressive groups such as Kilusang Mayo Uno and Youth Act Now! and progressive partylists under the Makabayan bloc, immediately supported the proposal vowing to do what it takes to make it a success. “It is clear now that Aquino and his administration won’t abolish pork and will not bring change… We can only rely on collective action and people power to make sure the rotten, corrupt system is ended,”  said Vencer Crisostmo, Youth Act Now! Convenor and Anakbayan National Chairperson.

"A people’s initiative presupposes (that) the Legislative and the Executive branches of government are unwilling to enact and implement laws that will prevent the misuse of public funds. We believe there are sufficient avenues for legislative reform and that Congress is prepared to enact laws to institutionalize these reforms," Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. said in a regular press briefing in Malacanang.

It is true that the people presume that branches of government are unwilling to abolish the system for the fact that lawmakers and the president itself is benefiting from this system. This administration cannot deny the fact that more and more people are now waking from the illusion of the "straight path," and they are resorting to collective action and people power to change this system.

Coloma also reiterated that the government shares the public's view on the need to put a stop to the abuse of PDAF use, but this is contradicted by the fact that high-ranking political allies of this administration, namely Senate President Franklin Drilon and Speaker Feliciano Belmonte Jr., are inconsistent with their stand on the issue. Even the President isn't straightforward himself.

Regarding the people's initiative, the statements of Malacanang regarding this are inconsistent. In an interview with the Philippine Daily Inquirer last October 21, Deputy Presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte said that the administration supports proposed legislation that aims to strengthen institutions mandated to safeguard public funds. This contradicted the abovementioned statement of Presidential Communications Operations Office Secretary Herminio Coloma Jr. last October 29.

Presidential apologizers are now in a tight spot, playing with words to deter the mass movement against corruption. But the people are intelligent enough to push the people’s initiative despite the fact that this regime will do anything to campaign against this noble cause.

With the machinery and resources of the government to save their self-serving interest, there is no doubt this will be a hard time for Filipinos who have a burning will to change this rotting system of governance. But we must not lose hope for this is also a time for the mettle of the Filipino people to be tested. To paraphrase Jose Maria Sison, only through militant struggle will the best in us emerge.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Hindi lamang ito usapin ng pagsusunog ng upuan!

Kung matatandaan, noong 2010 ay nagsunog ng upuan ang mga militanteng kabataan mula sa Politeknikong Unibersidad ng Pilipinas bilang simbolikong protesta laban sa nakaambang pagtataas ng matrikula mula P12/unit patungong P200/unit. Tagumpay ang ginawang pagkilos ng mga isko at iska nang makakuha ito ng atensiyon ng midya, gobyerno at ng iba't ibang sektor. Nagkaisa ang administrasyong Guevarra at ang mga iskolar ng bayan upang igiit ang 2 bilyong badyet na kinakailangan ng univesidad para sa mga gastusin nito.  

Sa kabila nito, hindi maiwasan magkaroon ng mabababaw na pagsusuri hinggil sa isyu ng pagsusunog ng upuan. Tandaan nating hindi dapat ikahon sa pagsusunog lamang ng upuan ang usapin, ito'y usapin ng hindi makatwirang pagtataas ng matrukula na iprinotesta sa isang simbolikong pamamaraan. Bilang iskolar ng bayan, hindi natin bibigyang puwang ang makitid na pagsusuri hinggil sa mga usapin ng ating sektor. Parati't parati nating isinasapraktika ang konkretong pagsusuri sa konkretong kalagayan upang higit pang ilantad ang mga di makatwiran at makamamamamayang polisiya ng ating gobyerno pagdating sa usapin ng edukasyon.  

Ngayong araw, muli nanamang pinaingay ng sektor ng kabataan ang usapin ng pagtataas ng matrikula hindi lamang sa PUP kundi sa marami pang SUCs sa buong bansa. Tandaan nating hindi mawawala ang banta ng pagtataas ng bayarin hanggat nasa laylayan lamang ng prayoridad ng gobyerno ang edukasyon.Hahanap at hahanap ang administrasyon ng mga pamamaraan upang mag operate ang pamantasan sa pamamagitan ng pagpapapasan sa mga isko at iska ng mga gastusin nito, ngunit kailangan nating tumbukin na ang edukasyon ay karapatan at tungkulin ng estado na tiyakin ito lalo pa't tayo'y nag-aaral sa isang pampublikong paaralan, kung saan ang mga estudyante ay mula sa pinakamahihirap na sektor ng lipunan. 

 Sa isang facebook fan page ay nabasa ko ang tanong na ito "How do you wish PUP to be known? Pamantasang Utak ang Puhunan o Bonfire University? Kayo na po ang mag-decide." tiyak na ang isasagot ng malawak na hanay ng mga estudyante na kilalanin ang PUP bilang pamantasang utak ang puhunan, ngunit kung uugatin, ang PUP ay kinilala bilang isang pamantasang nagkakanlong ng mga matatalino, progresibo, prinsipyado, makabayan at makatwirang mga mag-aaral, katangiang kinikilala sa buong bansa, katangiang nagpapanatili sa diwang palaban na lumalansag sa mga nakaambang  pribatisasyon at anti-estudyanteng polisiya ng gobyerno.  

 Isa rin sa mga nabasa kong kumento mula sa ang "PUP SENTIMENTS. "I have nothing against the activist..i'm also one of the iskolar ng bayan students before..but funny though..they are wasting their time protesting instead of looking for a part time job para naman kung talagang magtataas ang tuition eh me pambayad na cla..and as far as i know pwede namang paunti-unti mong bayaran un ah...wag na clang maging marahas..there are many ways to say whats on our mind..more safer and peaceful..well if they think education is expensive..try ignorance guys!" - R.D." Para sagutin ang kaniyang argumento, Una, ang PUP ay isang state univesity tulad ng nasabi sa itaas, hindi makatwirang magtaas ito ng matrikula sa dahilang hindi ito pinaglalaanan ng mataas na pondo ng pamahalaan, ayon sa rekomendasyon ng United Nation, 6% diumano ng ating Gross Domestic Product ang dapat ilaan sa edukasyon, ngunit kakarampot na 2.8% lamang ang inilalaan ng gobyerno. Ang sinasabi naman niyang paunti-unting pagbabayad ng tuition ay ginagawa na sa ibang pamantasan kung saan higit na nalulugmok ang mga mag-aaral sa utang upang tustusan lamang ang pag-aaral.   

Pinagpupupgayan ang bawat isko at iska na tumitindig, kumikilos at nakikibaka para sa karapatan ng mas malawak na hanay ng masa. Hindi matatawaran ang kanilang lakas ng loob bagamat marami ang kumukutya sa kanilang ginagawa, hindi sila natitinag upang ipaglaban kung ano ang alam nilang tama at akma para sa nakararami. 

Sa mahabang panahon ng pakikibaka ng sintang paaralan para sa Makabayan, Siyentipiko at Pang-masang porma ng edukasyon, pinatutunayan nilang malaki ang magagawa ng sama samang pagkilos upang makamit ang tagumpay.   Hindi natin bibigyan ni katiting na pagkakataon ang iilan upang isakatuparan ang pagtataas ng matrikula sa ating sintang paaralan.   

Ang PUP ay matagal nang dinilig ng di mabilang na protesta para sa hustisyang panlipunan. Ipinagpapatuloy lamang nito ang laban ng libo pang mga isko at iska upang matamo natin ang ang dekalidad at abot kayang edukasyon para sa higit 72,000 iskolar ng bayan na ikinakanlong nito. Kung ipinaglaban nila tayo noon, ngayon naman ang panahon upang ipaglaban natin ang mga susunod pang isko at iska, hanggang sa ang edukasyon ay hindi na nabibili ng salapi, hanggang ang pamahalaan ay hindi na lamang para sa iilan.       Hindi Lamang ito Usapan ng Pagsusunog ng Upuan!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Fountain Pen

Sumilip  si Bogart at Mila sa labas ng tinataguan nilang madilim at masikip na silong, bubungisngis sa tuwing dadaan ang taya sa tagu-taguan at hindi sila makikita.

'Saan mo gustong mapunta, sa langit o impyerno?' bulong ni Bogart kay Mila, 'siyempre sa langit. gagu ka pala eh!'

Lumabas si Bogart sa silong nang punong puno ng dugo ang damit, ngumisi habang hawak hawak ang fountain pen na nakuha niya sa drawer ng kaniyang mama, tumingala siya sa langit at nanalangin 'Lord, sinunod ko na po ang gusto niyo, tumulong po ako sa kapwa ko ngayong araw'